
How Does Itch Relief Chews for Pets Work?

Itch relief chews are supplements that are particularly created to soothe the dog itches caused by various allergies. It contains several ingredients like Omega-3, vitamins E and C, pumpkin seed powder, biotin, and zinc that deeply nourish the fur and possess anti-inflammatory properties that soothe the skin. 

Still, many people don’t accept the wonders of these itch relief chews for pets. If you are one of those people, wandering in search of truth, we have got you covered. 

In this brief overview, you will learn how these chews work for your pet’s comfort from itches and other skin conditions.


EPA and DHA are types of omega-3 fatty acids. Your dogs can’t produce these fatty acids naturally. So, including them in their diet in the form of such chews can support their skin health. These fatty acids help retain the moisture level in the skin. They nourish their skin and fur, making them resistant to various inflammations that reduce itching. 

Pumpkin Seed Powder

Unlike humans, dogs can’t digest the seed, so they need to consume it in a form that they can digest easily. That’s why powder form is great for them to intake pumpkin seeds. Anyways, pumpkin seed powder in the chews is important because it contains the amino acid Cucurbitin which paralyzes the parasites present in a dog’s digestive tract. Moreover, it also improves the immunity of your dog and is good for its eyes. 


Biotin improves your dog’s metabolism, improves digestive function, and the body’s water retention capacity, and increases overall skin health. Also, it is great for increasing your dog’s overall energy levels. 

For senior dogs, biotin is great not just for skin, but also for muscle composition, immune system, and blood sugar stabilization. It is also great for dogs suffering from alopecia

Vitamin E & C

Vitamin E and C in the chews support your dog’s fur coat and improve overall skin health. The antioxidant properties of Vitamin E protect your dog’s skin from free radical damage and prevent irritation. They are also great constituents for the cardiovascular and muscular health of your dog. Especially for female dogs they help boost fertility and prevent pregnancy complications. 


It is a major constituent in ensuring your dog’s protection from any infection. It plays a key role in enhancing the immunity of your pet. Zinc is important for the thyroid function of your pet and plays a significant role in regulating various enzymes and hormones of your canine buddy. 

When your dog is having digestion issues like constipation or diarrhea, or shedding hair like crazy, it is your sign to add zinc to its diet. Moreover, dermatitis is a major indicator that your dog lacks zinc in its body.

How to Recognize Your Dog Needs Itch Relief Chews?

If you are noticing excessive hair loss, bald patches, dry patches, and welts, it is time for your dog to have itch-relief chews. These chews are not just for inflammation but to improve the overall skin health of your dog. However, in extreme cases, it is advised to consult a vet for better treatment.

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