
8 Biggest Business Blogging Statistics You Can’t Ignore

If you’re looking for more people to read your writing and connect with, blogging on your website or one of the major networks can be an excellent way to reach new clients and customers. With so many different blogging platforms available and so much content being published every day, it can be hard to keep track of what’s working and what’s not when it comes to business blogging. That’s why we put together this guide on eight of the biggest business blogging statistics that you should pay attention to when developing your strategy.

1) 68% of blog posts are shared on social media

Here are the top business blogging statistics you can’t ignore: 68% of blog posts are shared on social media. These stats include that 41% of business blogs are shared on LinkedIn, 33% is shared on Twitter and 11% is shared on Facebook. Plus, another statistic to consider is that 10% of posts go viral with over 5,000 shares. If a business blogger had just one post that went viral, they would have reached over 3 million people! It’s safe to say that these types of numbers prove the importance of having a presence on social media. But what about in terms of monetizing your content? The good news is that 67% of bloggers make money from their blogs at least some point during their careers, either through advertising revenue or affiliate programs. However, when it comes down to it only 8% earn more than $5,000 per month from their blog – which isn’t bad considering 76% of bloggers don’t earn any money at all.

2) 75% of people still prefer reading blogs over other forms of content

Don’t get the wrong idea, content marketing is not dead. In fact, this one statistic found that 75% of people still prefer reading blogs to reading anything else. If you’re one of those people who love to read blogs and can never seem to get enough you will want to check out these 8 big blogging statistics you won’t want to ignore.

The Total Volume of Worldwide Content Published Each Day on the Web is 293 Billion Pages (27 sentences) #2: U.S.

3) 76% don’t read a full blog article

Do you have a business blog? It’s time to see if it’s making an impact. If you don’t know where to start, here are some of the biggest statistics on business blogging that can help.

Eight Of The Biggest Business Blogging Statistics:

64% of people read blogs at least once per week. 59% of companies with more than 100 employees maintain a blog for their company’s website.

81% of marketers said they are using social media as part of their marketing strategy.

76% never read full articles: 61% said they didn’t have enough time and 35% said they couldn’t find anything worth reading. The study also found that most readers scanned rather than read the full post. How does this relate to your business blog? Are you getting your message across without having readers scan through your content?

4) 64% read blogs at least once per week

Blogs are incredibly popular, and business blogs have the power to reach people globally. In fact, 64% of all internet users read blogs at least once per week. Even more impressive is that over 60% of all internet users read blogs at least monthly. The prevalence of blogs might be for a few different reasons including the fact that 84% percent of internet users agree with the statement I don’t know what I would do without my blog. Plus, 69% of all respondents feel better after reading a blog post and over 75% feel better about their jobs.

5) 34% share content from blogs via social media

When it comes to social media, studies have found that the practice of sharing a blog post through social media is extremely common. Share this stat with your team in order to inform them of the importance of consistently posting content across all channels.

Share this with your team in order to inform them of the importance of consistently posting content across all channels. For those bloggers who do not have an established following on their own, encourage them to ask friends and family members for feedback on their posts as well as what they like about them so they can build up some more followers on their own.

6) 73% use blogging as part of their SEO strategy

One of the major benefits of blogging is that it’s a low-cost, high-value way to promote your business. In fact, 73% use blogging as part of their SEO strategy – and the best part? Your blog posts don’t have to be long. In today’s fast-paced world, short attention spans reign supreme, which is why many successful bloggers publish short posts (less than 500 words) with clear titles so they can capture their audience’s attention while succinctly conveying the point they’re trying to make.

7) 75% use blogs to help with social media marketing campaigns

The 8th most important business blogging statistic is about the use of blogs with social marketing campaigns. Seventy-five percent of businesses say that blogs are an important part of their campaign strategy. As blogging technology has improved and prices have come down, many more companies are adding them to their social media platforms to make content more interactive, allowing for comment sections and better user engagement. It’s a cost-effective way for companies to build a loyal fan base without having to spend as much time producing new content.

8) 38% believe business blogs have helped them grow their business

If you want to grow your business, there’s one tried and true method: getting customers. Sure, there are other ways to go about it – such as marketing tactics like PPC ads – but blogging is time-tested. The thing is that if you want more traffic to your blog, you need more people reading it. Luckily, 38% of marketers believe business blogs have helped them grow their businesses! So what are some of the best ways to get that coveted visitor? Let’s take a look at the 8 biggest business blogging statistics you can’t ignore!

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