
3 Ways To Realign Your Business With HubSpot’s ‘Rhythms’

HubSpot’s Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder, Dharmesh Shah, recently published an article that discusses how to realign your business with HubSpot’s ‘rhythms’. When leaders align their business with the ‘rhythms’ of their organization, they help foster alignment among their team, partners, and customers — which makes them all better at what they do every day. In this article, I’ll highlight 3 ways to realign your business with HubSpot’s ‘rhythms‘ and ultimately enhance alignment at your company.

What Is The Rhythm Concept?

In business, we often talk about the importance of alignment – making sure that everyone is on the same page, working towards the same goals. But what does that actually mean? And how can you achieve it? The key is to understand your company’s rhythm and then align your people and your systems with that rhythm.

For example, one day may be a good time for spending time in meetings or conference calls with vendors; another might be better for researching and compiling data. Whatever the activity, choose a day when your staff will be able to focus on it without interruption from other distractions like interruptions from email or phone calls. (Continued in next blog post)

Knowing which days are best for doing specific tasks and activities also means knowing which days aren’t as productive. For instance, there might be some days where workers can concentrate on more creative efforts while others are better suited to administrative duties such as processing expense reports. By identifying non-productive days ahead of time, you can plan ahead so these tasks don’t fall through the cracks but instead get completed so they don’t delay work in other areas of the business. (Continued in Next Post)

Why Do I Need To Know About The Rhythms?

The rhythms of HubSpot’s business are the key to understanding how the company functions and how it makes decisions. By aligning your own business with these rhythms, you can better understand how HubSpot operates and make decisions that are in line with the company’s culture. The most important rhythm is Customer First: The number one priority at HubSpot is serving our customers well. In order to ensure this happens, employees focus on delivering quality customer service before everything else. It may not be what you’re used to from a traditional company, but we’re not here for ourselves, says Chisholm.

You don’t have to become a clone of HubSpot – just think about whether or not the way you operate lines up with the company’s priorities. Do you put quality customer service before all else? Or do you prioritize an employee’s personal goals over making customers happy? If so, maybe it would be best if you found another employer who values that aspect more than what your current workplace does.

If you’d like to find out more about aligning your business with HubSpot’s rhythms, download our free e-book below!

#1 Identify Your Purpose: Whether you’re trying to determine your daily tasks or create long-term goals, identifying your purpose will help align yourself with HubSpot’s rhythms. What drives you every day? How can you make that happen every day as part of your job at HubSpot?

#2 Measure Success: When evaluating success, it pays to consider the time horizon. It’s not always easy (or possible) to evaluate a task completed in an hour versus six months ago. One thing remains true – any task needs to be measured against its intended outcome and must help meet a particular goal along the way. It doesn’t matter if it takes three hours or three days, Chisholm notes. The only question is, ‘Is it worth it?’

#3 Take Action And Create Systems: After determining your purpose and figuring out how to measure success, take action by creating systems around those two things. Systems aren’t always comfortable because they require discipline and hard work – but the payoff is huge when you get them right.

How Do I Execute These Rhythms?

  1. Review your business goals and objectives.
  2. Take inventory of your current team members and their skills.
  3. Assess what work needs to be done to reach your goals.
  4. Create a plan for who will do what work and when they will do it.
  5. Delegate tasks and put systems in place to hold everyone accountable.
  6. Check in regularly to make sure everyone is on track and making progress.
  7. Celebrate successes and learn from failures find ways to celebrate successes, review metrics monthly, and build in time for reflection at the end of each quarter.

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