How to Record a Bounced Check in QuickBooks Online in Three Simple Steps
If you own a business, you’re probably familiar with writing checks to vendors or contractors in exchange for goods and services. But what happens if one of those checks gets lost, or bounces? It might not seem like it, but recording the bounced check in QuickBooks Online isn’t that complicated. Follow these three steps to learn how to record your first bounced check in QuickBooks Online.
What is a bounced check?
A bounced check is a check that has been returned by the bank because there are insufficient funds to cover the payment. This can happen for a variety of reasons, but usually it’s because the account holder doesn’t have enough money in their account to cover the check. If you’re a business owner who accepts checks as payment, it’s important to know how to record a bounced check in QuickBooks Online so that you can keep track of your finances and avoid any potential fees.
What are acceptable reasons for bouncing checks?
There are a few different reasons why a check might bounce. Perhaps there are insufficient funds in the account, or the check was written for an amount that exceeds the account balance. The check might also be post-dated or have incomplete information. Whatever the reason, it’s important to know how to record a bounced check in QuickBooks Online. First, open your company file and select the Banking tab. Next, click Reconcile at the top of the screen. Click on Reconciled Items from your Transactions list and you’ll see a list of all your checks that have been reconciled so far.
Where do you go to record your bounced check?
The first step is to go to the Banking menu. From there, select the Enter Service Charges option. This will bring up a new window where you can enter all the relevant information about the check. In the Amount field, enter the amount of the check that was returned. In the Account field, select the account that was charged for the check.
Why does this matter and what can happen if you don’t record it correctly?
A bounced check can cause a lot of problems for your business if it’s not recorded correctly in QuickBooks Online. Incorrectly recording a bounced check can lead to inaccurate financial reports, which can make it difficult to make sound business decisions. Additionally, it can impact your relationships with vendors and customers if they see incorrect information on their invoices or statements. To avoid these problems, it’s important to learn how to record a bounced check in QuickBooks Online correctly. Fortunately, there are three simple steps you can follow to do this.
1) Click the Expenses tab
2) Click the Enter Bills/Expenses button
3) Select Enter Bills from Vendor Payments – Mistake from the drop-down menu that appears
Moving forward, how do you prevent bouncing another check?
There are a few things you can do to prevent future bounced checks. First, make sure you have enough money in your account to cover all of your checks. Second, keep track of which checks have cleared and which have not. Third, give yourself a buffer zone by writing your checks a few days before they are actually due. Fourth, if you know you will have insufficient funds, stop payment on the check or contact the payee for alternate payment arrangements.
Fifth, take responsibility for any mistakes that led to the overdraft – either ask a trusted friend or family member for help with an online transfer from their bank account, call your bank about opening an overdraft protection plan, or even consult with an accountant about other options. Sixth, consider setting up a direct deposit from your paycheck into your checking account so that there is always more than enough money available when it comes time to write checks.
What are the alternatives?
You have a few options when it comes to dealing with a bounced check in QuickBooks Online. You can record it as an expense, write it off as bad debt, or deposit it into a separate account. When you are ready to move forward with one of these options, follow these three steps:
1) Choose the option you want from the drop-down menu.
2) Select Yes from the dialogue box that pops up on your screen and then enter your information for that option (i.e., bank account).
3) Confirm your information by clicking OK. If you’re not sure which way is best for your situation, consider how much money is at stake. If the money is worth less than $100, it’s probably easier to record it as an expense instead of writing it off or depositing the funds into a separate account.